По рекомендации Galina Domanska и других сторонников Олега Зубкова написано письмо в WSPA (ВОЗЖ-Всемирное общество защиты животных)
Dear Kai Akram !
The residents of the Crimea appeal to you with the aim of rescuing a rare collection of wild animals.
If you have never been to safary park "Taigan" and Yalta zoo "Skazka" in the Crimea then you haven't seen a real treasure in the heart of the Crimean peninsular. We invite you to visit this remarkable place where a lot of endangered animals enjoy life in this calm and fabulous place. The most wonderful thing about this place is a special atmosphere of love and benevolence. The master and creator of this fairy tale is a generous, tireless and fearless Oleg Zubkov. He has created a world where the animals are protected, and we may appreciate and preserve rare species with whom we still share our planet.
Here you may not only watch, feed and enjoy communication with your favourites, but also undertake breathtaking safari rides accompanied by Oleg Zubkov a truly recognized Pridelord.
The safari park allows you to get up close to the lions, the most exciting animals in the world and experience the thrill of contact with wildlife.
Welcome to this magical place!!!
All our citizens are proud of this remarkable place of recovery of mental and emotional strength.
Oleg Zubkov is the only owner and creator of these natural reserves. He created them himself without any aid and investment. There are more than 3500 rare species of wild animals here, many of them are listed in the Red Data Book of Nature.
Many of these animals have been saved from violent people abuse. It has always been a shelter for homeless and rescued animals.
And now these unsurpassed parks are closed in protest against government lawless actions in relation to Oleg Zubkov. Our local Crimean government is trying to seize and destroy this wonder of wonders.For this purpose they threaten him millions in taxes and false claims.It resembles a hostile takeover of the 90s.
Alll the citizens of the Crimea, appeal to you for help and justice because rare animal are in danger of extinction.
Please, intervene, support and save Oleg Zubkov and his rare collection which has become a national treasure.
With hope and gratitude.
PS. Уже получено уведомление из WSPA, что ситуация будет рассмотрена
Молодцы! Умницы просто!! Надо давно это было сделать!!! С нетерпением ждем ответ! С наступающим Новым Годом Вас, Олег Алексеевич и всех Ваших близких, родных людей. Пусть Новый,2016 год, станет годом открытий, Великих Побед, достижений и приятных сюрпризов. Пусть все тучи останутся позади. Много-много Вам солнечных дней!
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