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Немного ЗИМНЕГО ТАЙГАНА для поднятия настроения!!! "Скоро День сурка, масленица и весна", - радостно трубит наш слон посреди саванны, скоро мы снова будем все встречаться в любимом парке !!!
Can you really produce a Makarov pistol which includes all of its parts from scratch using a manual milling machine and lathe? Not really virtually, you will need more machines to create a pistol. A Bridgeport milling with a shaping attachment will do some issues however the magazine well has to be broached because of the space. The rifling can be done with special accessories but usually unique machines for broaching, hammer forging, and key... show more YES! Nonetheless it is not legal to do in america, That is a Russian Iron Current gun and they have patent rights aswell; doing so devoid of their permission is usually a patent valuation.
Прикольно смотрится слон под снегом…👍
ОтветитьУдалитьCan you really produce a Makarov pistol which includes all of its parts from
ОтветитьУдалитьscratch using a manual milling machine and
lathe? Not really virtually, you will need more machines to create
a pistol. A Bridgeport milling with a shaping attachment will do some issues however the magazine well has to be broached because of
the space. The rifling can be done with special accessories but usually unique
machines for broaching, hammer forging, and key...
show more YES! Nonetheless it is not legal to do in america, That is
a Russian Iron Current gun and they have patent rights aswell; doing so devoid of their permission is usually a patent valuation.